Leden van het bestuur
Tummas Justinussen, voorzitter
Arne Joensen
Helga á Borg
Jens Meinhard Rasmussen
Jens Meinhard Rasmussen, CEO

Primair werkgebied
Het primaire werkgebied van Smyril Line is reis- en vrachtvervoer in de Noord-Atlantische Oceaan.

SPEKT registeraccountants Sp/f


Recall of share certificates (ownership certificates) in P/F Smyril Line

cf. §§ 61-63 and 64 subsection 2 of the Companies Act

The share certificates in P/f Smyril-line are hereby recalled for book-entry in VP SECURITIES A/S in accordance with §§61-63 of the Faroese Companies Act (“Vinnufelagalogin”) and at the same time for cancellation of the physical share certificates cf. § 64 subsection 2 of the Vinnufelagalogin.

Book-entry in VP SECURITIES A/S takes place as from the 31st January 2025 and irrespective of the current denomination of the securities, book-entry will take place in multiples of the share de-nominations stated below.

Issuer: P/F Smyril-Line

V-number: 332828

Register of Companies no. 544

Securities: Share

Share denomination: DKK 0.01

ISIN: FO0000000211

Book-entry in VP SECURITIES and submission for cancellation of physical share certificates takes place by due delivery of the physical share certificates to P/F Smyril-Line at one of the company's following addresses:

• P/f Smyril-Line, Yviri við Strond 1, 110 Tórshavn, Faroe Islands;

• P/f Smyril Line, Erik Sondrupsvej 10-12, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark;

• P/f Smyril-Line, Klettháls 1, 110 Reykjavik, Iceland.

When delivering physical share certificates, the securities account number with the shareholder's ac-count controller must be provided for the purpose of book-entry in VP SECURITIES A/S. P/F Smyril-Line will then arrange for the shares to be delivered to Euronext Securities Copenhagen, Is-suing Agent Services for exchange to electronic securities.

If physical share certificates have not been delivered within 3 months from 31st January 2025, the rights to which a shareholder is entitled pursuant to section 64(2) of the Companies Act will only be exercised when the physical share certificate (ownership certificate) has been delivered to the com-pany. However, this does not apply to the right to dividends and other payments and the right to new shares in the event of a capital increase.

Further information is available from P/F Smyril-Line, telephone 00 298 345931, or address Yviri við Strond 1, 100 Tórshavn, Faroe Islands or via e-mail: ninad@smyrilline.fo, or Euronext Securities Copenhagen, Issuing Agent Services, telephone: 4358 8948 or via e-mail to cph-issuer@euronext.com.

Copenhagen, 31st January 2025

Torshavn, 31st January 2025
P/f Smyril-Line
Board of Directors

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